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macOS 屏幕相关

1. mission control => 触发角 => 启用屏幕保护程序 or 将显示器置入睡眠状态
2. 安全性与隐私 => 进入睡眠或开始屏幕保护程序 立即 要求输入密码


新版 mac 使用 ctrl + command + q

Question: how to quick switch between mirror and extended display in macOS
切换 mirror 和 扩展模式: command + F1
If you need to temporarily see your Dock or your open windows on both displays, Command-F1 lets you accomplish this. It’s a shortcut to the System Preferences > Displays > Arrangement > Mirror Displays command.


One response to “macOS 屏幕相关”

  1. 我一般用Alfred, 输入l,然后回车就好了

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