Think before you speak, read before you think.

Author: jpuyy

  • istio-pilot pod



    istio-pilot 包含两个容器 discovery, istio-proxy 容器 discovery 包含一个进程 pilot-discovery kubectl exec -it istio-pilot-8bdcc884d4-hj8k6 -c discovery /bin/bash -n istio-system 容器 istio-proxy 包含两个进程 pilot-agent, envoy kubectl exec -it istio-pilot-8bdcc884d4-hj8k6 -c istio-proxy /bin/bash -n istio-system ps aux | grep ” /usr/local/bin/pilot-agent proxy –domain istio-system.svc.cluster.local –serviceCluster istio-pilot –templateFile /etc/istio/proxy/envoy_pilot.yaml.tmpl –controlPlaneAuthPolicy MUTUAL_TLS –log_output_level=default:info # pilot-agent 是以 sidecar 模式运行的

  • truncate 日志文件



    文件过大,大几十G ls -lhai newrelic_agent.log truncate -s 0 newrelic_agent.log ls -lhai newrelic_agent.log 清理前后的 inode number, 文件权限都没有发生变化 清理完之后 tail -f newrelic_agent.log 观察是否能正常写入

  • k8s 容器内访问 apiserver

    kubectl exec -it cassandra-0  bash -n noah TOKEN=$(cat /var/run/secrets/ curl https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/api/v1/namespaces/noah/endpoints/cassandra –header “Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN” –cacert /var/run/secrets/

  • istio 运维笔记



    docker desktop 查看 istio 版本 istioctl version –remote client version: 1.5.1 control plane version: 1.4.0 data plane version: 1.4.0 (114 proxies) bin/istioctl manifest versions Operator version is 1.4.5. The following installation package versions are recommended for use with this version of the operator: 1.4.3 The following installation package versions are supported for upgrade by this…

  • DELL U2720QM 匹配设置 macOS OR win11

    U2720QM 设置 Display -> Response Time -> Fast Smart HDR -> Desktop macOS 设置 System Preferences -> Displays 按住 Options 点 Scaled,选择 2304 x 1296(比较舒服)介于 2k 和 1080p 之间 此时 High dynamic Range (HDR)应该是勾选状态 在 System Information -> Hardware -> Graphics/Displays 显示 Radeon Pro 560X: Chipset Model: Radeon Pro 560X Type: GPU Bus: PCIe PCIe…

  • terraform terragrunt check: terraform init # terragrunt init -upgrade 重新更新依赖 terraform validate terraform plan 交互 approve 方式执行 terraform apply 直接执行,省去交互 terraform apply -auto-approve 格式化代码 terraform fmt -recursive terragrunt hclfmt 查看 state terraform state list import state terragrunt import –terragrunt-working-dir dev/k8s/namespaces ‘kubernetes_namespace.namespaces[“app”]’ app 清理 dev 集群 hongkong terragrunt run-all plan –terragrunt-working-dir deploy/dev/gke/hongkong terragrunt run-all destroy –terragrunt-working-dir…