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Tag: Summary

  • 编辑~/.vimrc,用vim新建文件时自动套用模板

    编辑~/.vimrc文件 vim ~/.vimrc 添加一行 autocmd BufNewFile *.py 0r ~/.vim/template/ 新建simple.py文件 mkdir -p ~/.vim/template/ vim ~/.vim/template/ 加入以下内容 #!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #author: jpuyy date #modified by xx at date #version: #history: #relate on: 这样每次新建 .py 文件的时候,就会自动套用上面的模版 :)EOT

  • ubuntu vps使用zh_CN.utf8编码



    使用 locale -a 发现只有英文编码,使用命令 bash /usr/share/locales/install-language-pack zh_CN install-language-pack脚本内容如下: #!/bin/sh -e if [ -z “$1” ]; then     echo “Usage: $0 <language code> <class> [<version>]”     exit 0 fi # install locales for base packages (not for gnome/kde) # (use “–no-purge” in case PURGE=yes is used in config, which would remove #  all other locale files)…

  • 批处理生成以今天为名的文件夹

      @echo on if not exist %date:~0,10% (md %date:~0,10%) RT :)EOT

  • ubuntu下PAC Manager使用

    windows下面经常用Secure CRT来多标签连SSH linux下面用PAC Manager也是想当的顺手 支持rsa加密的key来连接 下载地址: 怎么生成key,看之前的ssh的key的生成 在PAC Manager使用key的认证会提示说 @         WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!          @ Permissions 0440 for ‘/home/jpuyy/Dropbox/key/xxxxx’ are too open. It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored. 这样的话它是希望权限规定的越死越好,那么把文件弄成400,即只允许用户的读权限,其它一律不许 chmod 400 xxx 这样就可以了 :)EOT

  • mysql启动失败

    /usr/sbin/mysqld status 提示 lc-messages-dir=/usr/share/mysql 在 给出了解决方法 在my.cnf中注释掉就可以了 “The mysql-common package will be upgraded to version 5.5.17. It’s no big deal, it only contains retro-compatible configuration files.” Wrong. The my.cnf delivered by mysql-common-5.5 contains the lc-messages-dir setting, which MySQL Server 5.1 cannot understand and will fail to start.To everyone who upgraded mysql-common to 5.5, but left…

  • 不是觉得百来块的书贵么



    买到一包假南京烟 十一块五浪费了 不是觉得百来块的书贵么 抽十来包烟,就能买一本,还觉得贵么?