Think before you speak, read before you think.

Author: jpuyy

  • 心爱的单词本 2023-05-07

    quantitative [英] · /ˈkwɒntətətɪv/ [形] 定量的,数量的 conserve [英] · /kənˈsɜːv/ [v] 保存;保护;节约 thrash [英语] · /θræʃ/ [v.] 打,鞭打;猛烈抨击;彻底击败 deque [英] /dɛk/ [n.] 双端队列,双向队列 A deque is a double-ended queue. dominant [英] · /ˈdɒmɪnənt/ [形] 占优势的;支配的;显性的 non-dominant 不占主要的 leap [英] /liːp/ [n] 跳跃;飞跃 [vi] 跳,跃;猛冲 [vt] 使跳过;使超越 keep grinding 保持努力 remainder [英] · /rɪˈmeɪndə(r)/ [n] 剩余物;余数…

  • K8s metrics server



    To get the metrics of nodes $ kubectl top nodes error: Metrics API not available We should install metrics-server E0502 00:40:51.819552 1 scraper.go:140] “Failed to scrape node” err=”Get \”\”: x509: cannot validate certificate for because it doesn’t contain any IP SANs” node=”minikube” is the node ip

  • 心爱的单词本 2023-04-10

    From OneNote stereo 立体声 Registrant 注册人 squirrel 松鼠 painstaking “孜孜不倦的 deduction 税收扣除 liability 责任 负债 excerpt 摘要 flat tire 爆胎 caveat [英] · /ˈkæviæt/[n.] 警告,告诫 emphasis 强调 cordless 无线的 menance “威胁”、”恐吓”、”危险”,指某种可能会对他人造成伤害、损失或困扰的情况或行为。 “Bio” 可以作为 “biography” 的简称,指某人的传记或者传记式介绍。比如说,一个音乐家的 “bio” 可能会介绍他的音乐生涯、音乐风格和成就等。 “Hustle” 可以指快速行动或工作,通常表示紧张、忙碌的状态。比如说,”I need to hustle to finish this project before the deadline” 表示需要加快工作速度以在截止日期前完成项目。 “Starkest” 是形容词 “stark” 的最高级形式。”Stark” 的意思是…

  • K8s lifecycle preStop for nginx pod

    Trigger pre stop, to let the nginx pod consume the transactions while no new incoming connections lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: – /bin/sh – -c – curl –resolve; sleep 60; /wait-shutdown

  • Fix chrome Managed by your organization



    Problem statement: It shows my chrome in my personal computer, I need to find out how to fix it. open chrome://management, I got `Your administrator can change your browser setup remotely. Activity on this device may also be managed outside of Chrome. Learn more` operations: 1. clean up LaunchAgents command + shift + G /Library/LaunchAgents…

  • 2023读书清单



    目标30本书,单线程模式,切记不要并发,不要同时读多本书 月份 技术书 非技术书 2023-02 心 2023-02 活法 2023-02 可塑的我 2023-03 工作、消费主义和新穷人 2023-04 Excellent Advice for Living 2023-07 SRE运维解密 中国人的性格